Heading into the Noir City trenches this weekend, Faustketeers, so I figured I’d get you all warmed up with this very important and not at all silly list I made and posted a while back on the Bad Place formerly known as Twitter. Every day it’s looking more and more like a dying Mall of the Americas over there, so I figured I’d save a few personal relics from the wreckage. You know, for future scientists.
Anyway enjoy:
Me: Shit, I have a LOT on my plate today.
Brain: Let’s cast HANNIBAL as a midcentury Film Noir!
Me: No.
Brain: Ok so, Vincent Price as Hannibal, obviously…

Alan Ladd as Will Graham.

Ella Raines as Dr Alana Bloom.

Marsha Hunt as Abigail.

Peggy Cummins as Bedelia Du Maurier.

Sidney Poitier as Jack Crawford.

Rhonda Fleming as Freddie Lounds.

Zachary Scott as Dr. Frederick Chilton.

George Macready as Mason Verger.

Claire Trevor as Margo Verger.

Laird Cregar as Dr Abel Gideon.

Lee Eun-shim as Beverly Katz.

Peter Lorre and Whit Bissell as Team Sassy Science.

Mariko Kaga as Chiyoh.

Robert Ryan as Francis Dolarhyde.

And most important: Director James Whale as Bryan Fuller!

There are maybe three people on earth who will get and/or give a shit about this ridiculous, gargantuan thread but I want all three of you to know that I love you from the bottom of my queer, noirish heart! 🖤🖤🖤
Also, if you had the stamina to make it all the way to the bottom of this post you’ll be glad to know there’s plenty more where that came from. This weekend kicks off the Hollywood Noir City film festival and your intrepid girl-reporter will be providing (virtual) ringside coverage as usual so I hope you’ll join me and play along at home.
Stay tuned for opening night with KEY LARGO and SORRY, WRONG NUMBER!
Love it!